Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

As Zimbabwe commemorates 41 years of independence, its citizens find themselves grappling with a harrowing reality. The period, marred by violence and oppression, raises the question: What exactly is there to celebrate when the people are subject to the brutalities of a government that has turned against them?

For over four decades, the Zimbabwean populace has endured the tyrannies of the ruling party, ZANU PF. This regime, often described as criminal and parasitic, has transformed the national military, supposedly the guardian of national security and sovereignty, into a partisan and impoverished militia. This force, far from protecting its people, is infamously known for shooting unarmed citizens, thereby perpetuating the party’s oppressive rule.

The motive behind this brutal militarization is clear: ZANU PF aims to preserve its destructive and unsustainable status quo. By violating the constitution and undermining the rule of law, the party endeavors to establish a one-party state, backed by a rigged parliamentary majority. This ambition has led to a systematic oppression of any perceived threat, including vibrant opposition forces and ordinary citizens daring to challenge the regime.

Tragic incidents of state-sponsored violence dot Zimbabwe’s recent history. From the ethnic cleansing targeting the Ndebele community to the bloodshed during various elections and the 2018 post-election violence broadcasted internationally, the pattern is consistent. Those who oppose or even appear to threaten the illegitimate status quo of ZANU PF face the wrath of its militia.

The ruling party’s obsession with maintaining its grip on power is akin to mosquitoes relying on puddles of water for survival. Without this control, ZANU PF, akin to a criminal enterprise, would face existential threats. The status quo allows the party not only to plunder national resources with impunity but also to exile key democratic principles such as constitutionalism, rule of law, transparency, and accountability. This insulates the ruling elite from the consequences of their actions, ensuring their continued dominance at the expense of the nation’s welfare and service delivery.

However, this despotic reign cannot persist without cost. The continuous violation of fundamental rights, as enshrined in the nation’s supreme law, has led to a paralytic state, teetering on the brink of irreversible failure. The hope for Zimbabwe lies in a peaceful and swift transition of power to a renewed, innovative, and vibrant opposition. Without this change, the cycle of violence and oppression is doomed to repeat, leaving the citizens in a perpetual state of fear and deprivation.

Forty-one years under the shadow of ZANU PF’s tyranny raise critical questions about the country’s direction and the very essence of leadership as envisioned in principles like Romans 13. It’s a stark reminder that leadership should serve and protect the people, not subjugate and terrorize them. As Zimbabwe reflects on its 41 years of independence, the true struggle remains: liberating its people from the clutches of a regime that has held them hostage for far too long.

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